About Us

PT. KREATIF AVIASI INDONESIA was estabilished in February 2025, as an Aviation Industry Company engaged in the Modification Design and Modification Aircraft (Fix Wing and Rotary Wing), Fabrication Part of Aircraft, Logos, Marking, Pack Card, Painting, Interior, Avionic AMP, Aircraft Cleaner, Supplier Part and Standard Part, Repair All Type of Aircraft (Fix Wing and Rotary Wing Civil and Military Aircraft Cargo and Passanger Aircraft).


Vision: to be a good and reliable in providing and engineering services in aviation industry and sustainable as well

Mission: To achieve customer satisfaction and maintain trust are supported by high competency of hujan resources

Value: Measurable, Reliable and Competent

Our Services

Enginering Service

Enginering Service

Modification of configure of both Aircraft and Helicopter to meet customer requirements and or airwothiness regulations in fields of structures, avionics/electrics and cabin systems/ interiors as well as missions/ operstions for cicvilian and militaries.

Other Service/ Capabilities

Other Service/ Capabilities

- With a working arrangement performing Fabrication and Installation of Parts, Logos, Marking, Placards, Interior Components, Vionic/Electric. - With working arrangements performing Painting, AMP, Aircraft Cleaning Service. - With working arrangements performing Supplies of Aircraft Part/ Components and Standard Part as well.

Make an Exclusive

Make an Exclusive

Te inermis cotidieque cum, sed ea utroque atomorum sadipscing. Qui id oratio everti scaevola, vim ea augue ponderum vituperatoribus, quo adhuc abhorreant omittantur ad. No his fierent perpetua consequat, et nis.

Contact Form

Contact Informations


Office: Holis Regency D-9, Holis Regency Street, Bandung City 40222, West Java, Indonesia

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